
  1. macOS: Big Sur beta 4
  2. Keynote
  3. Pages
  4. Numbers
  5. Office
  6. Onedrive
  7. Word
  8. Excel
  9. Powerpoint
  10. Outlook
  11. Teams
  12. Lastpass: install
  13. Chrome: brew cask install google-chrome
  14. Firefox: brew cask install firefox
  15. Opera
  16. VLC
  17. ELAN
  18. CopySmarter
  19. Copied
  20. SizeUp
  21. Python: install,
    1. install with brew: brew install python@3.8
    2. install pip: curl -o
  22. PyCharm: download, install, run, activate, login to jetbrains account, generate onetime password with Lastpass authenticator, find generate app password, generate onetime password with Lastpass authenticator again, copy and paste the app password.
  23. Brew
    1. Install some stuff
    2. brew tap homebrew/cask-versions
    3. brew cask install java 
    4. brew install apache-spark
    5. brew install graphviz
  24. Chilkat: allow it to run in Preferences > Security > General or allow all apps. match python version to chilkat version, make new enviroment in pycharm
  25. Disable chim: sudo nvram SystemAudioVolume=%80